Friday, May 25, 2012

Pointless Pennies, Nickels, and Dimes...


  Have you ever weighed a 16 volume ounce mason jar full of Pennies, Nickels and Dimes? Well, you would find that the overall weight of these raw materials well more than you would expect...

  Why am I even talking about this?

   Check this out...

  When was the last time you purchased a product using only pennies, nickels, and dimes? Exactly...I know that I have not done that personally in the past decade. So what does that mean to you and the American Economy?

  What if all of these coins were removed from circulation and melted down for scrap THEN sold to developing countries as raw industrial material? Cost of production...minimal, we already have the scrap metal (not sorry for calling these coins scrap.) All that is needed is to sell, making the profit putting revenue back into the economy instead of losing the money required to produce these futile coins.

  Potiential Issue #1: So what about products that cost less than $1.00?
As a whole, is a company truly making a profit off of an item that is marketed for less than a dollar? I highly doubt it. Not with the cost of the resources and man power required to make your remarkable fake dog poop prank toy at Dollar General. By eliminating all but the Quarter, we could set the minimal purchase price of an item to $1.00, and then round current goods and services market value to the nearest whole dollar value. Then, we could implement a 25% sales tax on purchases and trades of private and commercial goods and services.

 Potiential Issue #2: This really solves issues for the Federal budget, but what about the States?
If this were to be implemented, we could keep (reasoning to follow) the current State Tax rates. By eliminating the failing Internal Revenue Service, monetary income to the Federal Budget is through a 25% Fair Tax on consumer and business goods. Now that you are collecting your entire paycheck not raped by Uncle Sam, there is no need for yearly tax returns. Instead, at years end, the States of America are entitled to their current sales tax percentage as a percentage of return from the Federal Government revenue collected from private and business sales and trades throughout the year. States are still entitled to aquire income through registration(s) of motor vehicle(s), permission(s),    property(s), and liscense / liscensing(s) as justified and deemed lawful by the State and / or the Federal jurisdiction.

 Potiential Issue #3: This affects the poor the most, while the Rich will be secure!
Fabrication. Those of less fortune are not likely to justify the purchase of their 6th $100,000 sports car over the purchase of a loaf of bread. This plan puts financial responsiblity on EVERYONE to not live above their means as we have done since we thought capitalism was cool when Reagan was elected. There are no tax loop-holes, it is a straight tax on purchases.
 I believe in America and her ability to raise herself from this dark time in her life. I believe that the more ideas I share, wrong or right, at least I did my civil duty to stand up to an inactive government due to partisanship, lobbyists, and general fear of trying something new. Thanks for viewing and I hope your voice reaches mine so that we can do something and share the word.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Dear God, a prayer for my son

Dear God,

Please save my son...he doesnt believe you like I DO. I know you were caucasion with brown hair and blue eyes, I mean look...I found your picture on the googles. He never went to church like I DID...regardless if transportation was provided to him, he should have found a way, not my problem God.

By the way, did I mention to you that he doesnt believe in YOUR WORD? I mean, after all, you did write it, right?

Anyhooser...please bring him back to church where you live, once a week, in our lives. You know, that place that is constructed by man, of the man, for the man. A place where women do not have a say in religion, well at least only in Christianity.

Thank you for calling King James, probably in PRIVATE because you like that kinda thing, to translate the bible into English, the official language of America! haha, laugh with me God its just a joke :)

Thank you, Im so glad that King James put the important things in the bible, like how women should be kept isolated during their menstration and stay away from church, even though right now I am praying that you will bring my son back to church ALL OF THE TIME, you know how you like sexiest principles and all. Must have been mentioned in the gospel of Judas...oh wait, that book wasnt important...never mind that, God.

Anyway, please help him with these sinful Radical thoughts that man has desecrated your name and bring him back to OUR WORD of blindness force fed into us every sunday, or whenever I can make it since I may be on my period this sunday...whatever...and bring him back to your "living-word"

-Amen....oh wait I forgot to ask...when is your next volume going to be published? Thanks, now Amen

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Economic Recovery and Your Part....

   Look at this chart above that displays the Unemployment Rate from the years 1929 to 1941 (12 years) timeframe.

  I am using this chart because as members of both political parties state "...this is the worst economic period since the Great Depression..."

  I stand with President Barack Obama and I will cast my vote with him this election year.

  What I cant stand with is my generation. Wake up and realize that life is not instant like your internet, delivered in 30 minutes or less like your pizza, and most importantly not given to you on a silver platter because of what mommy and daddy did for you.

  After the crash of '29, it took 12 years and the war efforts / production during World War Two, in order to return to near 1% unemployment just before Black Thursday. Eight years of financial mismanagement will not be fixed overnight, in one month, or one presidential term. It takes time to correct the economy...and time I will support and believe in when I vote to re-elect my Commander in Chief.

  How do you expect to see financial recovery when as of recent on major news networks, people have "given up" looking for work. Garbage! We as a society have an "undeserved sense of accomplishment" and simply think that we are above entry-level employment post receiving your College Degree and would rather not hold any title less than "supervisor."

                                                                               Your Part:

  Stop the whining and lose this "pop-culture thug attitude rendering this false idea that you are a badass" and have some humility, patience, and believe in the results that just one person can render.
Put your phone down at work and maybe have a productive day for once so that your efforts get recognized. Accept that entry level work is better than no work at all, take pride in that. Dont lose faith in our democratic leaders.

  God willing, we may never forget our time in history, when we decided to act outside of our comfort zone and make a difference before it was too late.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Equal Rights....

  Personally, how can we say what is a "legal marriage?" I am so thankful that the Gay and Lesbian community is above the influence of fighting fire with fire. Not one member of this community has ever told me that I did not have the right to marry a woman, yet every day blind Christians judge these individuals that have a different view on their soulmate.

  This is the Land of the Free. All men and all wemon are created equal in this country.

                                                   "Judge not unless you be judged first."


                                         Vote against the "Amendment 1" in North Carolina!